Allah, the Exalted, is most powerful. He created a lot of things. Some of them are visible for us and some are not. Jinns are among those we can not see with our eyes.
As the previous chapters were discussed, we will choose for this too, few headings and gather some information accordingly


Jinns were created from fire as we were created from soil. Allah, the Exalted, says
(And He created Jinn from the flame of the fire)
[Holy Quran, Chapter: 55, Verse: 15]

They were created before the creation of mankind, as Allah, the Exalted, says
(And We have created Jinns before, from the smokeless fire)
[Holy Quran, Chapter: 15, verse: 27]

They were created from fire, but it does not mean that they are like fire or close to its characteristics. In fact, they have solid bodies like us. It is, because when a Jinn wanted to interrupt the prayer of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), with power given by Almighty Allah, he caught him and strangled him.
[See, Muslim: Imam Muslim, Vol: 2, Page: 99]

During this action, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) felt the cool of the saliva of the Jinn’s mouth too
[See, Fat hul Bari: Allama Ibn-e-Hajar Asqalani, Vol: 1, Page: 555]

The above recorded event clearly shows that they have solid bodies like us even though we can not see them.


There are several kinds of Jinns. It is narrated from the Prophet (Peace be upon him) that Jinns are of three kinds; First, those who have wings through which they can fly, second, those who are in the form of snakes and spiders, third, those who travel and stay somewhere.
[See, Fat hul Bari: Imam Ibn-e-Hajar, Vol: 2, Page: 345]

In addition, Imam Badruddin Aaini has descriptively recorded in his book their several kinds and named some of them too.

  1. Ghaul or Ifreet: They are very dangerous kinds of Jinns. They live in barren Places. They can easily change their physical appreances.
  2. Saulaat: They live in forests
  3. Ghadaar: They usually live in and around Yemen and Egypt.
  4. Walhaan: They live in Islands.
  5. Shaq: They are equal to the half of the length of mankind.
  6. Some are familiar to mankind and do not hurt them
  7. Some are in the form of lizards
  8. Some are in the form of dogs.

[See, Umdatul Qari: Allama Badruddin Aaini, Vol: 15, Page:183-184]


They are of the several creations of Allah, the Exalted. As mankind, they are also created to worship their Lord. As it is mentioned in the Holy Quran:
(And I have only created Jinns and men that they may worship Me.)
[Holy Quran, Chapter: 51, Verse: 56]

However, like in human-being, not all of them on righteous path. Some of them upon listening to the Holy Quran, accepted its message. Holy Quran itself describes this historical event saying:
( Say, it has been revealed to me that some of the Jinns listened to my recitation attentively and said, “We have heard a wonderful Quran. That guides towards righteousness, so we have believed in it, and we shall never associate anyone with our Lord. )
[Holy Quran, Chapter: 72, Verse: 1, 2]

Like mankind some of them are pious and nice and some are wicked, giving hard times to others. Allah, the Exalted described their acceptance saying:
and some of us are otherwise. (And that there are some amongst us righteous We are divided into different ways. )
[Holy Quran, Chapter: 72, Verse: 11]

With the power given by Allah, the Exalted, to them, they are able to carry out some astonishing hard work that is impossible for any ordinary human-being to do. Such as Ifreet, a most powerful Jinn; he was ready to bring the giant throne of Queen of Saba to Prophet Sulaiman (Peace be upon him) in some seconds. Holy Quran describing it says:
( One big evil Jinn said, “I will bring to you that throne before you rise from your sitting; and undoubtedly, I am powerful over that, trust worthy. )
[Holy Quran, Chapter: 27, Verse: 39]



1. Alitqaan: Shaikh Jalaluddin Suyuti, Edition: 1,
Press: Nafees Printers Lahore, Date: 1982,
Pub: Edar-e-Islamiat Lahore.
2. Manahilul Irfan: sheikh Muhammad Abdul Azeem
Zarquani, Pub: Daru Ihyaa-e-Turasil Arabi Bairut,
Date: No, Press: No, Edition: No.


3. Ibn-e-Kasir: Shaikh Imaduddin Ibn-eKasir,
Date: No,
Edition: No,
Press: No,
Pub: Noor Muhammed Karkhana, Pakistan.
4. Roohul Ma’aani: Shaikh Shahabuddin Syed Muhammed Aalosi,
Press: No,
Pub:Dar-o-Ihyaa-e-Turasil Arabi, Bairut.
5. Madarik: Allama Abul Barkat Ahmed,
Date: No,
Edition: No,
Press: No,
Pub: Abna-e-Molvi.
6. Jame ul Bayaan: Imam Ibn-e-Jarir Tabri,
Date: 1415 A H,
Pub: Darul fikr Bairut.
7. Khazainul Irfan: Allama Syed Muhammed Naimuddin,
Press: No,
Pub: Frid Book Depot, Delhi.
8. Ibn-e-Kaseer: Shaikh Imadudin Ibn-e-Kaseer,
Date: No,
Press: No,
Pub: Iteqad Publishing House, Delhi.
9. Ziaul Quran: Shaikh Karam Shah Azhari,
Date:1399 Hijri,
Edition: No
Press: Takhliq Markaz Printer Lahore,
Pub: Ziaul Quran Publications Lahore.
10. Jamiul Bayan: Shaikh Muhammad Bin Jarir Tabri,
Press: No,
Pub: Darul Marifa Bairut,
Edition: No,
Date: 1409 Hijra.
11. Tibyanul Quran: Shaikh Ghulam Rasool,
Edition: 3,
Date: 1999,
Press: Roomi Publications,
Pub: Farid Book Stall Lahore.


12.Bukhari: Imam Muhammed Bin Ismael Bukhari,
Vol: 3,
Edition: No ,
Date: No,
Press: Classical Printers,
Pub: Farid Book Depot Delhi.
13.Ash-e-atul Lam aat: Imam Shaikh Abdul Haqe Muhaddis,
Edition: No,
Press: M.S Printers,
Pub: Etiqad Publishing House.
14.Abu Daud: Imam Sulaiman Bin Isa,
Press: Irfan Afzal Printing Press Lahore,
Pub: Khalid Ihsan Publisher.
15. Muslim: Imam Muslim,
Edition: 6,
Date: Jan, 1997,
Press: Roomi Publications Lahore,
Pub: Farid Book Stall Lahore.
16. Ibn-e-Maja: Imam Muhammed Bin Yazid,
Edition: No,
Date: No,
Press: Irfan Afzal Printin Press,
Pub: Islami Academy Lahore.
17. Jam-e-Tirmizi: Imam Muhammad Bin Isa Tirmizi,
Edition: 1,
Date: No,
Pub: Islami Academy Lahore.
18. Kanzul Ummal: Allama Ali Muttaqui Hindi,
Edition: 1409 AH,
Date: No,
Press: No,
Pub: Muas sa sa tur Risala Bairut.
19. Fat hul Bari: Allama Ibn-e-Hajar Asqalani,
Date: 1401 Hijra,
Edition: No,
Press: No,
Pub: Daro Nashril Kutub Al Islamia, Lahore.
20. Umdatul Qari: Allama Badruddin Aaini,
Edition: No,
Date: 1348 Hijra,
Press: Edara tut Tiba’a Al Muniria, Egypt.
21. Ibn-e-Maja: Imam Muhammad Bin Yazid,
Edition: No,
Date: 1990,
Press: Irfan Afzal Printing Press Lahore,
Pub: Islamic Academy.
22. Anwaarul Hadith: Mufti Jalaluddin Ahmed Amjadi,
Edition: No,
Date: No,
Press: No,
Pub: Kutab Khana Amjadia Basti.


23. Aqaid-ul-Islam: Imam Shah Waliullah Muhaddis Dehlvi,
Edition: No,
Date: No,
Press: Rubi Printing Press Delhi,
Pub: Jame-Noor Dehli.
24. Mafaheem Ya gib An Tu Sah Hah: Syed Muhammad Bin Alwi Almaliki,
Edition: 10,
Date: 1995,
Press: Not,
Pub: Dairatul Awqaaf Dubai.


25. Bahar-e-Shariat: Sadrush Sharia Molvi Amjad Ali,
Date: No,
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Pub: Qadri Kitab Ghar Bareilly.


27.Khasai Sul Kubra: Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti,
Press: Sky leon,
Pub: Etiqad Publishing, Delhi.
28. Ziaul Nabi: Peer Muhammad Karam Shah Azhari,
Edition: 2, Jan, 2000,
Press: Kak offset Delhi,
Pub: Almajmaul Misbahi.
29. Shifa: Allama Qazi Ayaz Andlusi,
Date: 1994,
Press: Fine Offset Press,
Pub: Razvi Kitab Ghar, Delhi. .
30.Sarkar ka Jism Be Saya: Allama Arshadul Quadri,
Date: No,
Press: Rubi Printing,
Pub: Maktaba Jam-e-Noor, Dehli.
31. Madarijun Nubuwat: Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehalvi,
Edition: No,
Date: No,
Press: Taya sons Printers Lahore,
Pub: Maktaba Islamia Lahore.
32.Anwar-e-Ahmadi: Allam Shaikh Muhammad Anwarullah,
Press: No,
Pub: Jam-e-Noor, Delhi.
33.Maqalaat-e-Kazmi: Allama Syed Ahmed Said Kazmi,
Edition: 1,
Date: 1398 Hijri,
Press: No,
Pub: Maktaba Ziaaia Pakistan.